Saturday, July 18, 2009

Invites? Check.

So as I said before, I took some time off to think more in depth about where I want to go with this and to collect my thoughts. I lasted oh, 2 days. :)

While I was on hiatus, we FINALLY had our invites delivered overnight (will review wedding vendors at a later date), spent the whole day stuffing envelopes and labeling addresses. We did a lot of this:

And this:

Which resulted in this:

Look who opted out of helping with the invites...

...thanks for the help, Kingston. :)

It feels surreal and amazing that we can finally announce that all invites are officially out of our hands and onto our lovely guests. We can't to start getting responses for our big day coming up sooo soon!! Woohoo!!

It's been incredibly hot here in SA lately. Even though I love nothing more than sitting on the beach or by the pool with a good book and some sunscreeen (don't forget your skin!), lately with it being 105 degrees out, I've lasted less than 2 hours before I've needed to head back inside to the pups and hubs-to-be lounging in the A/C....

(this was a big moment...the girls sitting next to each other? unheard of.)

p.s. every Saturday morning here in SA there are not one but TWO fabuslous Farmer's Markets with excellent items ranging from lavender goodies to meat to flowers to nuts and breads! If you are a local SA-er and looking for some great local produce from area farmers and believe in supporting the local food movement (Go Organic! Go Green!) definitely check out and under the tab "Farms" find both reviews and lists of the items for sale! Wish I had taken some pics but the inside scoop I got from one of the sellers is that the "real" growing season for the good stuff is in the Fall/early Winter. Being from the east coast it never dawned on me that the summers I know and love that produce some of the juiciest items from my parent's garden miiiiiiiiiiight be a slightly different out here considering the temp out here gets h-oooooooooo-t hot hot in the summah time :) Long story short, early fall promises to be a much richer selection than mid-July!

Next post I'm going to focus more on my journey to where I am today with my healthy food living. Bare with me as we get this blog purdied up!

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