Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yoga does the body goood...

Last night one of the military wives invited me for Yoga at her YMCA!

I haven't dabbled in yoga since college, so I thought, "Why the hell not?" I've decided not to run this summer and have instead focused more on my eating habits. Coming off being so active in the non-desert-heat seasons, I think I forgot how much I missed working up a sweat!

The result? AMAAAAAZINGGGGGGG. For about an hour our instructor lead us through some sweat-inducing, breathing-focused, hold-as-long-as-you-can poses such as:

Baby Cobra Pose

And Downward Dog Pose

Some more difficult moves like the Pigeon Pose

And Plank Pose

Following with a super relaxing Child's Pose

Girlllllllllll...I was stretching muscles I didn't even know I had! Especially that Pigeon Pose...wowwweeee. Needless to say, today I'm sore. But it's a good sore. The kind of sore that I have memories of being addicted to. Looks like Monday night Yoga is my new fav thing! Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Aw I love yoga--it's so relaxing! And can definitely get ya sore!
